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Mockmill 200 Flour Mill


The Mockmill 200 Flour Mill packs amazing performance in a small footprint. Made utilising environmentally sustainable and renewable materials, Mockmill ensures environmental Responsibility is high on their list of Corporate Values. So choosing a modern housing for their new mills meant choosing materials that solve rather than cause environmental problems. Mockmill 100 and Mockmill 200 are built with Arboblend, a vegetal plastic made from wood fibre that would otherwise be burned or go to waste. Robust, attractive, sustainable. Mockmill!

Wolfgang Mock is known around the world for the fine, home-scale stone mills he has ­developed over the years. In truth, that ­development has always been the result of teamwork, and in our mill development ­laboratory, there is a world class team at work. Every new mill from Wolfgang Mock is the product of thousands of hours of thought, drafting, prototyping, trials, testing and retesting. We believe that the combination of skills necessary for the creation of our products is rare in any small group of individuals, and it’s no wonder our team has maintained its passion over the twenty-five years of its existence!

Wolfgang Mock is a family company. By “family”, we don’t mean “sharing blood lines”, we mean sharing values and being thoroughly comfortable around one another. As such, we’re concerned about every generation, and we’re dedicated to helping each other make the most of our time on this Earth. That means taking care to live well and includes paying attention to the food we eat.

As a company, we’re dedicated to helping people take the opportunity of getting the most out of Nature’s good grains. At the peak moment of recognising how much grains have to offer comes the realisation that grains are best left intact, in their amazing packaging, right up until they’re needed. And then milled into beautiful and luscious flour, simply and effortlessly, just-in-time.

Paul had spent 30+ years helping technology startups get off the ground when Wolfgang asked him to hop on board the Mockmill train. A longtime neighbour and sometime consultant for Wolfgang, Paul saw the opportunity to take on a mission he could enthusiastically pursue for years to come – a continuation of Wolfgang’s campaign for just-in-time milling of grains. In his role on the Mockmill team, Paul has become a well-known figure in the international bread scene, posting his home baking successes frequently on social media. He likes to surprise more experienced bakers with the statement that he “has never baked anything with flour he didn’t mill himself.”

Wolfgang’s life changed when, for his 29th birthday, he received a loaf of home-baked sourdough rye bread from a friend who had gone so far as to grind the rye grains himself to flour. Now, for more than forty years, he has been campaigning to wake people up to the right they have to be the ones opening those „treasure chests of nature“ – cereal grains – themselves.
And he has, for nearly forty years, been providing ever better, ever more imaginative, ever more affordable tools for doing that at home. And he is more and more convinced of how important it is for people to take up that right!

Good for you

Part of living life to the fullest is knowing what you eat. Making sure you insist on goodness in your food. For example, the tiny living plant that is the essence of each grain kernel. Or the complex, protective, and supportive bran that coats the grain. Or the bountiful minerals and nutrients that can only be retained in full if you mill your grains yourself. That all this can be yours on a daily basis is the sensational story behind freshly home-milled grains.

You’re in charge

You’re empowered to decide just what you’ll eat. From your choice of specific grains, grown where and as you prefer, down to how fine (or coarse!) you grind them. Importantly: You decide when those nutritional treasure chests get opened. Only you can keep down to seconds the time between releasing the grains’ goodness and that goodness flowing, practically intact, into the foods you bake and cook. Goodness that’s yours to enjoy with friends or family. What could be better?


Whether you get your food from the grocery, the farmers’ market, a trusted neighboring farm, or your own garden, you insist on freshness. And grains, marvelously packaged by nature, are fresh ingredients. So just as foods made with fresh fruits and vegetables taste better, so too do foods made with grains milled just-in-time. Why make compromises? You know exactly what you want. Ask your nose to tell you the difference between your freshly-milled flour and flour out of the bag. You’ll be amazed!

Our living culture

Wheat, oats, rye and other cereals are the cornerstone of our culture. They made the prehistoric hunters and gatherers what today’s human is at her best: a social and forward-thinking being. Only as a community, and with good planning, could our ancestors produce, process, and store a bountiful harvest, to the benefit of all. That’s why we call the activity agriculture.


You can’t find a more perfect way to enjoy food. Grain for fresh milling is grown all around the world, and certainly near your home. The variety is enormous! But fresh milling is not only for grains. There is an enormous variety of dried beans and peas, spices, and power foods such as amaranth and quinoa at your disposal for milling into luscious flours. Empower yourself to enjoy their full goodness. You’ll find yourself discovering foods for milling at every turn!

The post Mockmill 200 Flour Mill appeared first on Vanrooy.

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